Hi, I’m Rebecca and I make shoes.


I’m originally from Wisconsin, and I’ve been a maker and a shoe-lover since childhood. 

My professional path began at the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design (MIAD) with a degree in Industrial Design. I then studied at Cordwainers in London for two years, specializing in shoemaking and footwear design. I moved to NYC immediately after school to work in the corporate footwear industry, but I found myself very quickly missing making shoes myself with my own two hands. 

To get back to what I really loved to do and continue to hone my skills, I became a member of Brooklyn Shoe Space so I could spend my free time making shoes weeknights after work and on weekends. A few months after joining, I quit corporate footwear and I began freelancing and teaching shoemaking classes for BKSS Founder Keiko Hirosue. I still teach to this day in the same space I use to make Loyal Footwear in Hoboken, NJ — a small city I’m also proud to call home where I live with my husband and our retired racing greyhound Sully.

I also enjoy consulting for clients with their own shoe lines, creating tech packs and doing samplemaking / prototype development. I find this to be a satisfying endeavour as it combines my corporate production experience with footwear design and technical production.